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NHTI Visual Arts Capstone Showroom: Spring 2024



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Japey Howarth
Noah Withrow Tyler
Olivia Ramirez
Paint Brushes

Japey Howarth

Artist Statement

Freg's Big Adventure


Freg’s Big Adventure is a whimsical fantasy narrative created digitally with Procreate. Freg, a frog, serves as a metaphor for the universal human experience of self-discovery and identity. As Freg travels through evocative environments, the frog’s gradual evolution from an ordinary frog to a symbol of personal growth is shown through his experiences. I strive to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity within the viewers through Freg’s motivational and memorable journey.​



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Noah Withrow Tyler

Artist Statement

I Can Fix This


“I Can Fix This” is a film based upon an idea of a man who is obsessed with the idea of trying to fix the mistakes of his past. The idea of using one's own dreams to go back and fix another person’s death. A man that can’t accept his friend's death does everything in his power to try and revert and fix his friend's fate.


Can someone truly reverse an outcome of someone else’s fate or fail to the brick of insanity. That is the question our main protagonist will answer when he tries everything to change the past and bring his friend back. Though, if he fails will he be able to accept his friend's death and move on? Time will tell as one watches it will answer the question can he fix this?



Click the arrow below to play the trailer.

Olivia Ramirez

Artist Statement

​My body of work contains three panels of digital artworks that can be displayed together
or individually. The main idea behind my work is to illustrate the different stages of human life
alongside the life cycle of a butterfly- beginning from the chrysalis stage.


“Anew” symbolizes new beginnings and the repeating cycle of life, “Universes Intertwined” represents the middle stage of life, abundant with community, enlightenment, love, passion, and heartbreak, and finally, “La Noche” symbolizes fulfillment, spirituality, and death. In the first image, titled “Anew” I used images such as a child’s hands, the chrysalis, plants such as ivy, crocuses, and the sun to symbolize growth and new beginnings. In the second image titled “Universes Intertwined,” I used various symbols and imagery to represent the second more mature stage in a human’s life. The star represents enlightenment and inspiration, the two faces represent community and love, the butterfly surrounding the faces is an abstraction of the universe, and the cardinal flowers, roses, and warm tones represent passion and vitality. On the other hand, the blue roses represent sadness and grief. The final image titled, “La Noche” features symbols such as a skull, a tattered butterfly, the moon, and various flowers such as pine needles, lilies, and the red spider lily, that can all represent death, yet some of these symbols have other meanings as well. The tattered butterfly is meant to symbolize the beauty in growing old and living a long well-lived life, and although the moon is seen to represent the closing of a day it also alludes to the fact that after night morning must come.



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